Interested in the motivation behind our carbon net-zero mission - check out this podcast with future Net Zero and Midas' MD Alan Rance.
'From meat-eating petrolhead to EV driving vegan – the man who changed his business'
An overnight decision to change resulted in Alan Rance becoming vegan, giving up his gas guzzlers, and switching to EV and renewable energy. And that was just the beginning...
In less than two years, Midas has gone from your normal manufacturing SME business to becoming carbon net-zero and a passionate advocate for climate change reversal.
With hard work, unparalleled drive and passion, Midas has seen investment and change across the board. From switching to renewable energy, investing in energy-efficient compressors, solar panels, and 100% Biogas, through to ditching single-use plastics and removing all the foam, plastic tape, and bubble wrap from the process.
Check out the podcast between Alan and Sumit Bose (@FutureNetZero) and you will be left wondering why you are not doing more
The message is simple, we can all change and make a difference, just add a heavy dose of hard work, commitment, and passion.
If you are running a successful business you are doing this anyway, so switch the mindset.
You can keep up to date with all the latest green news at Midas on our dedicated web page, along with all the exciting news happening in our forest partnership
Please follow and share #Midasgreeninitiative, the journal of our green mission.
#ClimateEmergency #ACTNow